Welcome to Arsh International LLC
Arsh International LLC is an international scrap metal trading company based in USA. We purchase all grades of Ferrous and Non Ferrous Metal Scrap and Alloys from USA, UK, Canada for cater requirements of refiners and end-consumers around the world. The core value of the company is to achieve customer satisfaction by offering the best services.
Founded as the sole buying for all types of Ferrous and Non Ferrous Metal Scrap and Alloys in USA, we currently operate trading operations all over the world including India, China, Srilanka, Bangladesh, Pakistan and the Middle East.
The company has developed strong relationship with suppliers and customers by honoring commitments and serving with honesty and passion. We consider this the main reason for our success and growth over the years. The timely and efficient deliveries for the customers are what qualify us in getting the repeat business from you.